
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:22:45
初中英语33 the beautiful village is the place ___I was born .A that B in which c whom D are allowed请翻译句子和选项并加以说明原因 直线Y=2X+B与直线Y=KX-1平行时,K怎样 B怎样 要讲解过程 英语完形填空,急,快Lofted is a little village not far from Manchester.Like many (1)Lofted is a little village not far from Manchester.Like many (1) villages near towns or cities,it is clean and quiet.(2) many families live there,so peopele all he has nothing to say about the place he has visited什么意思 This directory is empty. You can see pretty hills and beautiful rivers in Guilin.(就画线提问 用“我没有······我相信······同样,我没有······我相信······造句 My sister is beautiful and pretty.beautiful and pretty划线,对划线部分提问? 过X 轴上动点A( ,0)引抛物线 的两条切线AP、AQ,P、Q为切点. ⑴若切线AP、AQ的斜率分别为 ,求证: 是定值,过X 轴上动点A(a ,0)引抛物线 的两条切线AP、AQ,P、Q为切点.⑴若切线AP、AQ的斜率分别为 ,求 抛物线C:y=ax的平方(1,-1)上,过点P坐斜率为K1,K2的两条直线,交抛物线异于P的两点A,B,且k1+k2=0直线AB的斜率是否为定值? Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 分析句子成分 句子成分分析..(With nothing to do,he fell asleep soon.)如题ps:有没分析好的大量例句,一句一句请教有点郁闷. HE IS ONE TRUE TO EVERYBODY句子成份词的作用 Eva decided to take a second course since she ____ the first one.A.has completed B.is completed C.had completed D.will complete 我知道选C但需要解释为什么不选A? This bag is empty.也是解释句子是用英语解释句子如:This bag is empty.改:This bag isn't full. _He does has nothing to do with me A.No matter what B.whatever C.what D.whichever when he says and does___nothing to do with me.1.was2.has3.have __he did so has nothing to do with me a.whatever b.no matter c.that d.whether选什么? I can not understand ______ the boy alone.A.why she left B.why she had left 请仔细说明原因 I have nothing whatever to do with that.nothing whatever 是固定搭配吗? They have all been put to shame by a boy who,我想知道为什么加 all 和 by 说是被动语态, 已知y=2x-3,y=kx-2与 y=-2x+1交于一点 求K的值.今天要. 英语 法律adoption是什么东西?律师说让我和后妈办adoption这个到底怎么办 英语翻译除了采用,还可以怎么说?不是adaption,是adoption edward怎么读?同题.但是我不会音标... EdwardⅢ里的Ⅲ怎么念 为什么北美洲西海岸温带海洋气候狭窄? 分别带有“夏、秋、冬”三个字的诗句,最好是全文. 为某人提供住宿是put up him还是put him up? put up RT! what he does who is he how he does it 那种是询问职业的? 续写一篇100词英语短文,高中水平即可,但务必是原创的.假设你叫李华,最近,你所在的课题研究小组就你校学生的饮食卫生习惯进行了一些调查,下面是最常见的一些不健康的饮食习惯,请你根据