
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:05:56
most students和 most of the students的区别 手机1G内存卡等于多少K?我的手机最近格式化了,现在显示的容量是994367K,是不是正常? 诺基亚5700手机中的1G内存到底等于多少MB?我看百度知道中有人说过1G有的商家会让其等于1000MB?那5700中到底是多少啊? 第一根绳子剪去4分之1,第二根剪去3分之1,剩下的相等.原来第一根绳子的长度是第二根绳子的几分之几?要有思考过程 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football onthe playground just now.A playing     B to be playing    C play      D to play为什么选A The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ fo11 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now.A playing B to be playing C play D to play The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now.  A playing     B to be playing    C play      D to play The girl told me that she wanted to be an English teacher when she g___up She ( ) me the teacher wanted to ( ) with me the next day.A、said,tell B、told,talk C、spoke 在300米环形跑道,甲乙两人同时同地起跑,若同向跑2分30秒相遇,若背向跑半分相遇, 在300米的环形跑道上,甲、乙两人同时同地起跑.如果同向跑2分30秒相遇,如果背向跑则半分相遇.已知甲比乙跑得快,求两人每分跑的距离各是多少米? 在300米环形跑道上,甲乙两位同学同时同地起跑,如果同向跑,则2分30秒相遇,如果背向跑则半分钟相遇,已已知甲比乙跑的快,求两人的速度各是多少?(不用方程) 300米跑道,甲乙同时同地起跑,如同向跑,2分30秒相遇,如背向跑,半分钟相遇,甲乙速度各是多少 手机流量1MB流量等于多少M 内存卡1mb等于多少m1m=?mb 1m=?k 1mb=?k 512兆内存有多少M 1G内存有多少M ====== 1MB等于多少M? 1MB是多少兆的内存 和M是同一单位吗 1MB等于几M? the students have to stay in the classroom,______填什么?2、Would you please tell me if you would go to beijing by plane?/waht you will go to beijing for?二选一 3、I wonder how long he has been/gone there.二选一 4、Many world record were _ Students have to know how to study.They also have to know classroom science.Here are somethings the什么意思 _____ (number)of the students ____(stay)in the classroom They have to clea the classroom(对clea the classroom提问) they have to(clean the classroom对括号里提问 甲乙在周长600米的环形跑道赛跑,同向跑30分钟甲追上乙,背向跑4分钟相遇,求甲乙的速度 甲乙两人在一周长600米环形跑道上从同一起跑线赛跑同向跑30分甲追上乙,背向跑4小时相遇.求甲乙速度各多少 体育场环形跑道周长400米,甲乙二人同地背向跑1分钟相遇,如同向跑,甲20分钟追上乙, 甲、乙两人速度一定,在周长300米环形跑道上跑步.甲速每分13米,乙速每分12米,他们第5次相遇时离出发点有多远?急(好的加30分以上) How many students are there in the classroom?____.They are on the playgroundA No one B None C Nobody D Everyone how many students are there in the classroom?( ) They are all on the playgroundA no one B none C nobody 英语选择题 There are students playing on the playground now they are all studying in the classroomA many Bsome C any D no 加 解释 There are some students ( )the playground.what are they doing?There are some students ( )the playground.what are they doing?——Ther are playing a game.A.on the right ofB.in front ofC.in the center ofD. at the back of正确答案是C选项,为 there are ________students in the classroom.where are they?A.a lot of B.very few C.very a few D.only few