来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 05:57:25
E_ is here.No students were late for school. Some students are late for school,it includes the monitor.这句话对吗?如果对, It was snowing hard,and -- ,many of the students were late for school.A.as the resultB.the result isC.as a resultD.a result is 初二英语复习题 选词填空so spend article parents same can friends tell understand childernA generation gap has become a serious problem.I read a(an)____aboout it in the newspaper.Some cildren were angry after quarrels with their____.I think i want to visit my parents in china翻译 Dear Jenny,I am in Beijing,China now,but my parents are in the USA.I live with my brotherPeter.Beijing is big and great.There are many great places and much delicious(美味的)food here.I like Beijing very much.Petre and I are in the same grade,bu The thief is being punished句中is和being分别是什么词?分别作什么成分? the police officer is watching a thief .对watching a thief 提问 The police is running after a thief. 英文翻译:The thief narrowly escaped being caught by the police.贼到底被抓住了没有? That man is a thief.We mus s____him to the police station. 歼20 歼21 歼18 歼30 歼31都是超音速巡航战斗机是真的吗? some students were late 为什么中国战斗机是从歼五开始的?那歼一到歼四呢?还有歼九? 适当形式填空 escape escape doing和escape from 在用法上有甚么区别为什麽没有escape from doing how to escape from a fire(英语作文)急求! to escape I go to school at seven o'clock in the evening.(画线部分提问) ______________ never后要不要跟动词原形 请问never后到底可不可以接动词原形? cleaner和teacher ea画线 发音相同吗? 英语适当形式填空给出一些题,谢谢o(∩_∩)o... 怎么样区别to do和doingIt has set up a commitee (to promote) the "better English".为什么不用promoting try to do try doing 区别.mean to do mean doingtry to do try doing 区别.mean to do mean doing 区别. to do与doing的区别要公式 实在不行把特殊的仔细说明 never 后面是像can一样加动词原形吗?还是随主语而变化? never后为什么不是动词原形 never加动词原形可以标祈使吗? The teacher said that they ______ hard-working students A、are B、were如果把这个句子看成是客观真理的话,可以用are吗?说出理由 write the words they said The teacher said the children in that class were doing welll.write the words they said The teacher said the children in that class doing well.The teacher said ,"The children in this class are doing well(1)Ken said that his p