
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:47:56
鱼是如何交配受精的? 鱼是如何交配受孕的?如题. 观赏鱼怎样交配受精我养了观赏鱼好长时间了,其中有一种热带鱼(孔雀鱼)还生了几十条小鱼,但我不知道它们是怎样交配受精的? that's the怎么连读不连读感觉很别扭,但又不知道怎么连读 I'm going to the supermarket with mother(变为否定句) at with for off of 1.I m going to the supermarket( )my mother.2 Get( ) at the bank.Then walk north ( )three minutes.You can see the museum.3 Stop( )a red light,piease.4 I want to buy a pair ( )shoes. I am going to the movies with my mother next Sunday afteroon.(改为一般疑问句) 英语翻译你做这件事能否成功要看你的决心多大 英语翻译不要机译,菜鸟勿来. 英语翻译In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex.这句话是福尔摩斯里的一句,被翻译成中文的时候翻译的是:在他的心目中,她才貌超群,其他女人无不黯然失色.请问为什么这样翻译, 流星真的能实现人们许下的愿望吗? 有人说向流星许愿就可以实现愿望 对流星许愿, 流星真的可以实现愿望吗?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊真的吗? account the fact that是什么意思?是考虑还是忽视的意思? allowing for the fact that`````是什么意思 If it were not the fact that的意思是什么 Aside from the fact that 英语翻译babble,bitch,rebel,party,sex,don·t forget the violence blah,blah,blah got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely stick your stupid slogan in everybody sing along Do you want some juice?为什么这里用some do you want some juice?同意句 有的鱼眼睛圆溜溜的,身上长满了刺.怎么改写比喻句 请帮我取一个英文名,要和中文名字读音像的.男生,中文名叫 yì huá . 中文名字叫瑞瑞,取什么英文名?(女生名)不一定要是R开头的呀,只要有“瑞”的发音就可以啦 My cousin went to the supermarket with her mother 对划线部分提问 划线部分为 her mother( )( )your cousin ( ) to the supermarket ( 常温奶营养高吗?如题, 巴氏奶和常温奶的营养成分差别有多少? 鲜奶和常温奶的区别RTRT The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...翻译 喝常温奶还是奶粉的营养价值高 is clear from the fact 全句见下that this device was a necessary structural compromise is clear from the fact that the cannonball quickly disappeared when sculptors learned how to strength the internal stucture of a statue with iron brace.(就回 The change in ...largely results from the fact that...请达人翻译这个句式