
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:21:24
Alec asked the policeman( )he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident 用一元一次方程 You have one tear and only one tear to cry,so make it a good one.怎么翻译? either of与neither of的区别意义 The policeman asked me to stay ____I was. 请问选A还是B?为什么呢?The policeman asked the boy ____A:Where was his mother B:where his mother was the policeman asked the obyA.where is his mother B.where his mother is C,where was his mother D.where his mother was 说原因 四大会计事务所招聘一般有什么要求?面试和笔试都考些什么? 四大会计事务所? The driver had __36___ no attempt to brake. When a policeman asked him, a man of 69, to read the number of plate of a car parked on the ___37___ side of the road, he man said this was _38___, because it was foggy. In fact, it was a sunny day. ___39__ 要用一元一次方程. 急啊一元一次方程哦一个水池有甲乙丙三个水管,甲乙是入水管,丙是出水管.独开甲管16分钟注满,独开乙管10分钟可以将水池注满,单独开丙管20分钟可将全池水放完,现在先开甲乙两管,四分钟后 一元一次方程哦,一项工程,甲单独做要M天,乙独做比甲多3天才能完成,问甲乙合作要几天才能完成 what's the cheapest way to get from Shanghai to Pudong Airport?The train fare in 75 yuan,the taxi fare is 90 yuan.等 It goes from Shanghai Station to Pudong Airport in eight minutes.对in eight minutes提问.in用于在某某时间内,该用how long 还是how soon? What's the most comfortable way to get from Shanghai to PUdong Airport? 托业还是BEC?我学土木的,马上要大四了,六级刚刚480分,想问一下各位选托业还是BEC呢?如果选托业,大约要准备多长时间? what did you say just now? i askedA.how can I open the door.B.if you watch TV last night.C.when did the program start.D.you had finsh you homework为什么选B,A C D哪里错了?选B,这段对话什么意思? 关于BEC及托业.非英语专业,过了四级,准备往英文这个方向发展请问是考BEC还是托业好?另外,考BEC的话,是否一定得从初级开始考起? BEC和托业我将来想进银行工作,考bec还是托业作用更大些? -What did you say just now?I asked______the letter.A.how you would do with B.what you would do with -what did the stranger say to you just now?-he asked whether I______give him a coinAwas able to Bmay Ccan Dcould 两个51单片机通过P2口连接,中间要不要加限流电阻?或者上下拉电阻,要是加的话需要加多大? 51单片机P1.0 P1.1接两个按键,这两个电阻值大概设为多少?为什么?接到51单片机的p1.0 p1.1 想问下,这图上的两个电阻大概设为3k或者其他的,依据是什么呢? 51单片机怎么同时开启两个中断的问题?小弟不知道怎么同时开启两个中断. Super Junior的[Sorrry,Sorry]的中文意思?还有每个人分别唱哪一句. 谢了. yellow yeiiow dog的隐深含义 bec?托业?我现在在一五星酒店礼宾.BELLMAN,毕业于某二本.英语口语还好,语音纯正,六级过了.现在确实想考个东西,不然一闲下来就DOTA乐、、、、我的目标,35岁左右前厅经理.咳.咨询下.BEC还是托 NRF24L01连接3.3v电源,为什么要并联两个容 什么是构形语素,构形语素名词解释 以下成语的解释和语素义一语双关;依山傍水;镇定自若;枝繁叶茂;杳无消息必须是商务印书馆出版的成语词典(或词典)的解释好的我会加分 谁能解释一下鉴别语素的方法“替代法”,到底是能被代替的是语素呢,还是剩下的那个字是语素,搞糊涂了