
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:41:27
I told you he would receive the parcel in time.改成被动语态, 智商测试有科学依据吗?今天无聊做了几个智商测试,基本上都是高分,可我几乎都没怎么用大脑思考.一些历史人文地理知识,都是以前学习时死记硬背的.还有一些数学题,驾轻就熟.唯一需要点 英语翻译如题 The whip that's lose always have a gold handle.失落的马鞭总有金柄. 关于宾语从句的将下列句子合并为含有宾语从句的复合句1.Where does the UFO come from?Do you know?2."Will you go fishing on sunding?"he asks3."How can you help pritoot the environment?"he asked4.When was the basketball evented?Con 英语翻译今天就要 count the number of toys before collecting them in the toy box翻译 我从小学到初二英语夸不及格怎么办 ? ? ? 我今年初二英语不好,怎么办. 初二英语的一次测试不及格(也是从古到今的第一次)该怎么办? i have lost something什么意思?i have lost something中文意思谢谢 I said to him I have lost my watch and would found it.的直接引语 I spend ten yuan on the picture的同义句 花语大全一朵蓝色妖姬的花语是 I saw them playing football on the playground just now 为什么只能填playing 改为同义句:I saw them yesterday.They were palying football on the playground. 如果一个句子里有两个动词 比如说 saw them playing football on the playground这里的地点状语是修饰宾语补足语吗 那它还是地点状语吗 那它可以与宾语补足语看作一个整体吗 句子改成被动语态 we play football on the playground every afternoon I saw them playing football on the playground 这里的地点状语是修饰宾语补足语 但不是修饰谓语 那它还是地点状语吗 还有I want to live in Beijing 这里的 in Beijing 不是修饰动词want 而是修饰不定式 是不是 计算题(1)(2√5)²(2)√25*√9(3)√9*√25(4)√9分之√4(5)√81分之√9(6)√2分之3-√3分之2(7)√18-√8+√8分之1(8)(√24-√6分之1)÷√3(9)√2分之25+√99-√18 1.已知3x-4y-z=0,2x+y-8z=0.求x²+y²+z²/xy+yz+2xz 的值2.若x+(9/y)=3,y+9/z=3,求z+(9/x)的值²是平方 已知y1=-x+1和y2=-2x-1,当x>-2时,y1>y2,当x 根据首字母填空 Some wild animals live alone while some animals live in g____ 为什么说人类的文明起源于黄河流域,是不是就因为我们的祖先当时在黄河流域附近生活?长江、黄河已经有久的历史了?为何会行成长江、黄河? I spent ten yuan on the picture.与 I pay ten yuan for the picture.哪个正 已知直线y=二分之一x与双曲线y=x分之k(k大于0)交于A,B两点,且点A的横坐标为4.1.求k2.若双曲线y=x分之k(k大于0)上一点C的纵坐标是8,求三角形AOC面积3.过原点O的另一条直线L交双曲线y=x分之k(k 快来啊 you can put your bag on the desk 改为祈使句 He spent two hours mending his bike .(改为同义句) Can I put the books on the desk?改为祈使句 I have lost the library's book,and I must pay for it .为什么must和pay for 之间不加TO呢?俩个动词在一起了.. 星地球上最恐怖的动物是什么?害虫!