
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:23:27
Are they those_______(play) e-dogs 用 those,are,dogs造一个问句(只有这三个) had been doing是什么是时态? had been什么时态 had been doing 是什么时态? It's very kind ( )you to say so.A.to B.of C.for it is kind of you to get the tickets of/for the World Cup?是to还是用for? in public和to the public的意思用法有什么 区别? in the public和in public的区别用法 意思 区别是in the public 不是to the public in a public 和 in public,in the public的区别 in the public 和 in public 有何区别? in the public.in public,the public place的区别 4.Most of the woods____ been taken good care ofA.are B.is C.has D.havewood加复数了就是可数名词了,D项为什么不对呢,麻烦帮看一下,5.____is more beautiful than rosesA.no other flower B.no another flower C.not other flower D.not all Most of the forest_____been taken good care of.中间填is,are,has,还是have much care has been taken of the planted 那么这里taken care of也是过去分词带自己部分care of修饰it的?You can have it taken care of in your won country. in public有没有the加不加the有没有不同 It's very kind of you...和 It's very kind for you...的区别 it's kind of difficult for .如题 it's kind of youour neighbor offered to look after our baby while we were away,(which) was kind of her.后半句是赞美她的,但我不能理解of her 的结构,是"which of her"吗?, 打翻饮料 英文怎么讲 饮料用英语怎么说? 商店有胶鞋、布鞋共46双,每双胶鞋7.5元,布鞋每双5.9元,全部卖出后,胶鞋比布鞋多收入10元,胶鞋有几双不要用方程 I kind of already bought it for you- -|翻译- 好吧- -、、我还是想说一下- -、这部小说的中文版翻译是我几乎已经算是买下来了- -、但是我是无法理解为什么会翻成这样- - 、、高手们看看、、 Make a run for it . the farm is no longer the one that it was ten years ago为什么用THAT it is really kind ____ you.填for还是填of补充:什么时候用for,什么时候用of。总感觉搞不清楚啊 jane is now ___she was ten years ago为什么填what Jane现在是她十年前的自己 what 不用指任何含义吗 in the public 英语翻译 英语翻译:不管一天工作有多忙,她在睡觉前总要看一下电子信箱里有没有新邮件(make a point of) 公共英语三级口试第二部分怎么考?就是和同伴对话那个部分,我记得上年是给我4幅图,我很疑惑是4幅图都描述还是选择其一说呢?一般两个人对话都是围绕图的内容来说吗?