
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:38:37
“苦力”是不是外来语?英语中有coolie一词,意思和发音与苦力一致,请问它是不是外来语? ()的土地 “()”填成语 什么所未什么的成语:所填两个字必须一样 it is an animal .it is from africait is an animal .it is from africa(非洲).it lives in the forest .what is it the right answer is ( )1、奶牛 2、袋鼠 3、兔子 4、大象 From the moment of one’s birth,the customs ________ he is born shape his experience and behavior.为何选into 不选from?不都是生于……的意思么? From the moment I was born,my life,there is a color.In my very,very small,my life is white,I from the moment they are born为什么用are而不是were? It was clever ______ you to make such a decisive decision at the momentA:about B:of C:on D:with 夜晚()填两个字 要填的两个字是一样的 用两个字形容城市夜晚 紫夜这两个字用英文怎么写 do的适当形式都有哪些?(除了do,doing,does)像play,watch这样的动词是不是do的适当形式? 后面两个字是冷静的成语有哪些 2014款的宝马5系和2014款奔驰E级以及凯迪拉克XTS还有雷克萨斯ES ,which one do you like? What was the most important e__ in China last year? what is the most important birthday celebrated in china 什么时候用to do 什么时候用doing?举几个例子... help后面是加to do还是 doing 举些例子啊~例如,We just couldn't help ___when John told us that funny story.这里的空处是加laughing 还是 laugh?help还有什么用法啊? He is very lucky,这句话是不是副词very修饰形容词lucky? 请问这样的句子中,cross,long,是形容词,或是副词?The river is half a mile across.One beach alone is 150 kilometers long. I have hamburgers_____lunch 中国有沙漠吗 写出下列动词的三种形式 do----does----doing----didwork eat sing hlephave maketakelovecomewritegiveliveseeplaysaybuyflyswimstopshopgetrunbeginwashwatchfinishteathfishread 八年级上册英语动词按照DO,DOES,DID,DOING.4种形式总结 I have never cried,but today I came very _.A.into B.close C.closed D.out How to learn Chinese well?I tink Chinese is a importnt language.so,I want to learn it well!Can you help me?About the Wen Yanwen and the writing?Can you help me? how to learn traditional chinese medicine well?can you let me to know what i should buy? 请问这 是美国哪个品牌? Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day. very 是副词 likely是形容词吧much 是副词 可以修饰形容词啊 我在牛津英语模块三第一单元课文中有这样一句话The latter two types of attack are more likely to be deadly for humans. India remains one of the most important centres of modern high technology and its India remains one of the most important centres of modern high technology and its service sectors (notably computer engineering) remain lucrative markets to explore.印