问一下,这个英文排比句有语法错误吗?(只考虑排比句中“can”的用法是不是正确!)谢啦!A user can use the GPS navigations system to find where he/she is or find his/her way from A to B; can use the e-mail function to se

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/12 05:00:25
问一下,这个英文排比句有语法错误吗?(只考虑排比句中“can”的用法是不是正确!)谢啦!A user can use the GPS navigations system to find where he/she is or find his/her way from A to B; can use the e-mail function to se

问一下,这个英文排比句有语法错误吗?(只考虑排比句中“can”的用法是不是正确!)谢啦!A user can use the GPS navigations system to find where he/she is or find his/her way from A to B; can use the e-mail function to se
A user can use the GPS navigations system to find where he/she is or find his/her way from A to B; can use the e-mail function to send or receive e-mails in time when a computer is not at hand; can use the edit function to edit a picture or a video, etc.
2.写正式的文章,提到不明性别的人 一定要 he/her 或 his/her 吗?

问一下,这个英文排比句有语法错误吗?(只考虑排比句中“can”的用法是不是正确!)谢啦!A user can use the GPS navigations system to find where he/she is or find his/her way from A to B; can use the e-mail function to se
第一,正确对待词汇学习语音、语法和词汇既是语言的三大要素,又是表达功能的手段,也是进行交际和思维的最重要的手段.词汇是语言体系中结构和意义的统一体,是语言的主要的基本单位.没有建筑材料就不能盖房子,同样,没有词汇的交际也是不可想象的.我国英语学习者,尤其是大学英语学习者,虽然非常重视英语词汇学习,但词汇一直是他们的难项和弱项.在英语写作方面,有的习作表现是用词过于简单、平淡、用词面窄;有的习作中出现了不少晦涩的偏词,但这些词本身可能出现搭配、贴切性等问题.因此,在学习生词时,要认真掌握词的确切含义及其用法.比如,tough一词在下面不同的搭配里,含义都有所不同.She was having a tough time with that difficult task.(艰难的时刻)He is known as a tough teacher,(严厉的老师)My boss is a tough man to convince.(顽固的人) The competiion is really tough.(激烈的)Cooperatingwith himis a tough matter.(棘手的)另外,同学们在阅读文章时,不要一味地去死记硬背艰深的生词,片面追求晦涩、偏僻词汇,应该学会欣赏“小词大意”的写法.比如,下面这些句子语言优美,意义深远,但所用的词汇几乎都是初中接触过的.If winter comes,can Spring be far behind?Government of the people,by the people,for the people.Ask not what your country can do for you,ask what you can do for your Country.当然,考研高分评分标准之一就是作文的用词面较宽.同学们平时练习写作时,要加强基本功训练,习作中语言及思想水平要尽量与自己的阅读材料相当.开始练习写作的同学,可以强行要求自己习作中有5至8处使用新学的语言点,而且在使用时要争取核对原文或字典,做到正确使用.久而久之“学以致用”的意识会越来越强,学的动力也会更强大些,写的兴趣也会更浓厚.
第二,注意通过阅读提高篇章写作水平 阅读与写作两者之间存在相互依赖、相互促进的关系.阅读应该是学习写作的基础和源泉.通过阅读,我们可以比较全面地了解和掌握词语、句型和篇章结构等知识,从而提高写作的技巧和技能.另一方面,写作要求学生用词准确、造句规范、文字连贯,表达思想清楚,因此,写作体现阅读效果,也是提高阅读效果的最好途径.语言阅读“输入”(input)量的不断扩大,必然意味着语言“输出”(outPut) 即写的能力的提高.同学们在进行读与写练习时,要注意篇章结构.一篇好的文章应该是词汇、语法、内容的完美结合.不少同学在阅读中出现“只见树木、不见森林”的现象,即通过查找字典,文章中所有单词的意思都明白了,但文章的中心大意还是不知所云.这就说明同学们缺乏篇章学习的训练.因此,同学们在阅读时,一定要注意把握文章语义整体的统一性.写作过程中,要注意选择具有表达力的主题句(topic sentence).主题句的好坏,直接关系到文章的条理性、连贯性,甚至文章的逻辑性.主题句即表达段落大意的句子.主题句的作用就是将段落各句有机地结合在一起,保证一个段落所有细节的统一性.如果对主题句的处理欠妥,文章的结构和条理就会变得模糊不清,段落的统一性就会遭到破坏.
“粗心语法错误”的存在,说明大学生平时虽然花在英语学习上的时间比较多,但缺乏足够的笔头练习,而且对语言形式的敏感性(senstiVity to lngulfor forms)不够.请看下组错误例句,均属于典型的“粗心语法错误”
误:A beautiful American girl is in traditional Chinese costume Is smiling.
正:A beautiful American girl in traditional Chinese costume is smiling.
误:With the wide pace of globalization,cultures differences are shrinking.
正:With the globalization,differences between cultures are shrinking.
误:In the Past we are stranged to see a person In other countries' costume.
正:In the past we would feel strange to see a person in other countries' costume.
误:The result is brought up by the shrinkage of cultures differences between national
and international.
正:The phenomenon occurs,because the differences between national and international cultures are diminishing.
误:With the development of economy,people in all over the world interact deeply.
正:With the economic globalization,people all over the world interact with each other more widely.
Before Christmas,I made fruitcakes, decorated the house and wrapped dozens of toys. We enourage our children to be competitive,to get ahead,to make money,to acquire possessions, The human being longs for a sense of being accomPlished,of being able to do things,with his hand, with his mind,with his will.
So when you see someone in difficulty of in distress and in need of help,don't hesitate to give your love to him.
I believe then the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in.
第五,学会对自己的习作进行正确、动态的评估 不少学生反映平时在进行写作练习,因为没有老师批阅,不知写作水平是否有提高,因此缺乏学习成就感和自信心.我们认为,学生应该逐步提高给自己习作打分的能力.具体做法是将自己的习作,参照评分标准,与有关参考书中几个分数段样卷做对比分析.首先,对自己目前的英语写作水平作一个客观的评估,然后,找出自己目前作文与更高一个分数段作文的之间的不足,在今后的写作中,注意用更高的标准要求自己.

A GPS can be used to determine a user's location or find out the route from A to B; can be used to receive emails with its email function when a com...


A GPS can be used to determine a user's location or find out the route from A to B; can be used to receive emails with its email function when a computer is not available; can also be used to edit pictures or vidios with the editing fundtion.
正式的英语提到不明性别的最好用确切的词,比如上面的user,他的/她的可以说one's。口语可以讲到his or her,最好不要忽略其中一个,有些人很在意这些的


2.不一定,可以用 person (人)。

ps。我是学测绘专业的,the GPS navigations system,只需要打the GPS就好了。GPS的全称是global positioning system。